this old tabletop radio cabinet was marked ‘philco’ and had been through the ringer. now that both the jones boys are collecting vinyl, this seemed like a perfect makeover piece for will to use to store (s0me of) his albums, and have his turntable on top.
since will is also a history nerd and has gotten us hooked on turn, we’ve all been geeking out a little over the series. mrs. jones will confess right here to a fascination with general washington and his handsomely tailored uniforms, and to a tiny crush on ian kahn, who plays the general with appropriately generous amounts of swagger, intensity and charm. (dang.) my crush also extends to his well-appointed tent and the campaign-style furnishings…the set design of that show is fantastic. but back to the cabinet…
inspired by general washington’s coat, i found the right shade for outside’s deep navy blue, and used a synthetic bristle brush for a smooth finish. the interior of the cabinet is done in deep red. as a nod to the general’s polished brass buttons, the trim has a ribbon of lightly distressed gold leaf. clear wax seals the paint and gives it a beautiful sheen.